Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Super Easy Ways to Meet New People and Make New Friends

People are naturally social beings. We cooperate to achieve common ends, we provide each other with immense emotional support, and we share our discoveries as we go through life. Yet despite all this, many of us have trouble making new friends. But why?

Although we've made substantial gains in modern society, socializing is increasingly neglected, unfortunately. There are several important reasons for this:

1. We are too Busy

Despite utopian dreams from yesteryear about a highly advanced technological society, we somehow find ourselves working more than almost any time in history. Depending on who you listen to, we average 40 to 50 hours a week, and many of us work more than 80. As you might guess, this makes socializing very difficult. Even worse, many of us are conditioned to believe responsibility means we must sacrifice healthy socializing to work for another person's material gain. But by denying our natural social instincts, we are denying our very humanity and our reason for living on this planet.

2. Modern Society Isolates Us

This is a disadvantage that can probably be attributed largely to the industrial age. Until the 20th century, people worked together daily to attain their basic necessities. This also brought them together socially. Today, this happens in an 'institutionalized' manner. We go to our places of work, our house, our schools, socializing in a 'controlled' atmosphere. But outside of this, many of us have much less spontaneous contact with other people than what is natural. We often spend most of our time with no social contact at all.

3. Modern Technology Isolates Us

Our 'restricted' social activity is further complicated by modern technology. While it has brought many conveniences, it has also brought the possibility of spending hours in front of the TV, computer, or otherwise. Additionally, mobile phones and the Internet have replaced in-person communication to some extent. While we can use technology responsibly, statistics show that this happens increasingly less often.

4. Fear of Rejection or Violating Social Norms

A less obvious reason why we sometimes neglect social activity is simply fear. This is often hidden from our awareness, making the problem even more difficult to solve. It comes in two primary forms; fear of rejection and fear of violating social norms.

Fear of rejection happens more often when we are younger. We avoid approaching neighbors, co-workers, or even people in public because we're afraid they won't accept us. This does not have to be pathological to be true, many of us experience it to some extent.

Fear of violating social norms occurs more often as we age. We grow accustomed to behaving in a certain way based on what we see around us. For example, some people feel a need to socialize only with a certain 'class' of people. Others feel they can not have friends from the opposite gender. And still others restrict their social activity to a complex set of conditions: only at company parties, during holidays, etc. Again, many of us experience this in some form.

5. Limited Money for Social Activities

While this is probably the least common reason so far for lack of socializing, it does affect a certain percentage of us greatly. For example, if you are working two or three jobs to pay your expenses, you have neither the time nor money for healthy social habits. Similar is true if you work 7 consecutive days in a low wage job. At the less extreme end, many of us simply spend too much. Fortunately, making an expense sheet helps here.

Despite these reasons, all is not lost in your social life. The following ideas will make taking action to meet new friends very easy, regardless your situation.

Super Easy Ways to Meet New People and Make New Friends

Start by learning to talk to strangers. If you are shy, this is simply matter of practice. At first, just wave or say hi. As you feel more comfortable try making small talk or interesting conversation. Each time it will become easier for you. As a helper, try finding an 'excuse' to be where others are. There are many possibilities, just be creative. For example, try going out to eat or doing something outside (take your pet for a walk, yard work, hobbies, tanning, etc). And keep in mind after making first contact you don't have to feel pressured to talk. Make it easier on yourself by just listening.

Introduce Yourself to those Around You

This one may seem obvious, but we so often neglect it. Once you've overcome your anxiety, you'll find there are many opportunities around you to make new friends. Introduce yourself to your neighbors, your co-workers, and friends of friends.

Go to Public Places

There are a myriad of public places teaming with people. Try simply walking around your subdivision during good weather! Or go to the park, library, museum, or main street of your local town. You can also look for state parks, beaches, picnic areas, public buildings, or anywhere else you can think of.

Use Public Transportation

Another place that we don't commonly think of for meeting new people is public transportation. Yet the space of a bus, train, or subway is occupied by a greater diversity of people than almost any other place that size. Sit next to someone and start a conversation (use your discretion to prevent annoying them). Or go car pooling, an increasingly popular option.

Attend an Event

This one comes naturally for most of us so just think of the next event you attend as a way to meet new people. Possibilities include plays, theaters, concerts, conventions, seminars, cultural and holiday gatherings, parties, sporting events, reunions.. even something as simple as a yard sale.

Join a Group or Club

There are thousands of options here. Join a study group, a support group, a hobby group, a sports league, a fitness club, or a fraternal society.

Go to Church

Many of us already do this regularly, but if not, try it. And you don't have to go to just one church. Try experiencing a variety of religious settings. There is even a church for atheists & agnostics. Churches often have secondary events which you can also attend.

Take Classes

Not only will you have the opportunity to meet new people in your class, but educating yourself in a new area of interest will let you connect with people in new ways.

Volunteer Your Services

Speaking of connecting with people, nothing helps you make new friends quite like volunteering your services towards a good cause. Join a volunteer organization and you can work side by side on projects you like while helping others. Or simply offer your skills as a free service in your local area.

Become Politically Active

This is something more people could benefit from. It could be as simple as joining your neighborhood watch program. Or simply attending local political events - meetings, rallies, protests, etc. You can also run for local offices often without significant background requirements. In any instance, you're sure to meet all kinds of new people.

Conduct Public Speaking

Public speaking is a great way to engage with people and directly touch their lives. It may seem daunting at first, but like anything you can start out slow. Begin in settings such as a small local social gathering - hobby meetups, church, or festivities, for instance. Or join an organization specifically dedicated to development of public speaking skills such as <a href="">toastmasters</a>.

Host a Social Event

Another tip which seems like more of a hassle than it really is. A simple garage sale qualifies. As does a summer block party, holiday get together, or hobby meet. You can also host a home business or professional gathering.

Go Traveling

One of the best ways to broaden your perspective of the world is by experiencing other cultures. You can meet a huge variety of people and witness a totally new perspective on social interaction.

Get a Social Job

This isn't one of my top recommendations, but industries in which there is significant public exposure such as retail, banking, dining, or otherwise offer an enlightening experience on human nature. Another opportunity to meet many new people.

Use the Internet

Regardless the barrier it might impose to human contact as discussed earler, the Internet remains a tool of tremendous potential for making new connections. Nothing else allows such an exchange of information with another person or group worldwide as the Internet. Use it appropriately and you can find friends no matter your interest. Some helpful social websites for this purpose include:

And chat forums of all types.

59 Easy Ways to Publicize Yourself Online in Minutes (for Free)

The Internet has become a vital part of today's society connecting over 2 billion people. It seems like almost everyone is benefiting from being online in some way - whether they're just staying in contact with friends and family, enjoying a new found sense of financial freedom with an online business, or spreading their message to a potential audience of millions.

No matter who you are or what you do, the Internet offers tools and an audience to expand or even transcend yourself.

  • Create your own websites step by step
  • Appear on social networks to connect with friends
  • Update friends and family with your latest news
  • Start a new social or activity group
  • Share (and sell) your photos
  • Create and share videos
  • Publish your writing
  • Keep an online diary
  • Create a 'second life' in amazing 3D worlds

And so much more. Here is a list of free, easy to use tools that will have you online in minutes:

Create a Website

These tools let you create (and host) your own website step by step using a 'wizard' or by 'drawing'. Many offer extensive features like a large number of pages, free forums, social networking, and promotional marketing tools.

  • - Just like having your own professional website. Easy tools for new users and highly customizable for advanced web designers.
  • - Create your website at Google with pre-built templates and limit who can see it.
  • - Create a personal or business website using hundreds of possible templates, even from your cell phone.
  • - Easy to use website builder plus custom widgets like blogs, calenders, forums, social networks, photos albums, and video channel.
  • - Named one of Time Magazine's 50 top websites. Choose from among custom templates and widgets like youtube video, music gallery, contact forms, many more. Also allows custom HTML/CSS editing.
  • - Create your own 'social' site using wikis, blogs, forums, and social networks. Collect and add your favorite content easily.

Create a Simple Single Page Website

These tools let you create a single page site very quickly by building it in pieces with 'widgets'. Add pictures, videos, products from Amazon or Ebay, and much more. Perfect if you only have a little bit to say.

  • - Write articles with pictures, video, and slideshows, share advertising revenue
  • - Publish your expertise and share with a professional network
  • squidoo - Create your own 'lense' and choose from among dozens of 'widgets' - videos, pictures, slideshows, audio, product modules, and more. Promote your page on Squidoo and share advertisement revenue.
  • hubpages - Non-techie tools allow you to easily load publish text, pictures, links, videos, polls, and quizzes. Promote your hub on hubpages and share advertisement revenue.

Start a Blog (or keep a diary)

Blogging has been going strong since the turn of the millenium. It's a super simple way to publicize your writing and make some money or just keep a private diary. And there are many other potential uses from news columns to portfolios.

  • - One of the oldest blogging services now owned by Google. Create unlimited blogs. Highly customizable, build a blog using prepared templates and gadgets and HTML editing for advanced users. Place advertisements for revenue. Privacy controls available.
  • - Journaling community especially for keeping an online diary. Insert pictures, video, other media. Set to share with friends or private viewing only. Choose from hundreds of prepared templates. Celebrating 10 years online.
  • - Blog anonymously: uncensored and without constraints. No personal information or IP addresses are collected, email optional. Possible advertisement revenue.
  • - Professional, simple blogging. Choose from hundreds of templates, dozens of 'widgets' (to add pictures, video, social networking, poles, etc). Micro blogging features included.
  • - Free hosted version of the most popular personal publishing platform on the Internet. Incredible flexibility - thousands of themes, hundreds of 'plug-ins' for many additional features. Full integration with social networks. Start publishing almost instantly.
  • - Blogging with highly customizable privacy controls (down to individual items within a post). Also full integration with social networks and other sharing sites (youtube, flickr, amazon, etc).
  • - Simple blogging service with community, custom templates, and premium upgrades available.

Update Friends and Family (Micro blogging)

Micro blogging is the latest popular trend online. It's simple: write a sentence or two about whatever you want and hit enter. You can also post links to pictures, videos, anything you want. This is a great way to start writing - you can easily form a habit with just a sentence or two at a time.

  • - Micro blogging service by Google. Custom backgrounds and icons. Add friends as contacts. Mobile phone integration with events calender, availability, and location.
  • - Unique micro blogging service in the format of a horizontally scrolling 'timeline'. Earn or lose 'karma' reputation points based on your activities. Add friends and fans.
  • Tumblr - Simple, powerful microblogging allows full customization of template (including HTML editing), posting of any content (video, audio, links, etc), categorization by content type, and subdomains (
  • Twitter - The original, largest micro blogging service. World wide reach. Simple customization. Add friends, followers. Used for personal publishing, business, even politics. Now downloadable.
  • - A simple, private, real-time communication tool for organizations. Create your own networks and invite who you want. Includes full personal profiles. Information contributed by colleagues is stored within a searchable 'knowledge base'. 'Apps' make Yammer compatible with a wide range of websites.

Appear on Social Networks

Social networks like the ever popular Facebook or Myspace are like the yellow pages of the Internet - except they can include photos, videos, short messages, a brief profile of yourself, and more. They also help you connect with other people and let you 'advertise' yourself to potential clients. Finally, many social networks are starting to incorporate games and applications to expand their features.

  • - Bebo is a social network by AOL very popular in the UK, and gaining quickly in the U.S. It features all the usual social networking site features plus customizable profile skins, social inbox which checks popular email services, lifestream which collects and displays updates from other popular social websites, and a unique interactive timeline display of user posts.
  • Facebook - Originally a social network for college students, Facebook is now the largest. With over 350 million users, you're sure to find someone you know. Add & invite friends. Post status updates with text, video, pictures, and more. Comment on other posts. Start groups. Play games. Fill out a personal profile and adjust customizable privacy settings. Facebook is quickly becoming a common platform for public figures.
  • Linkedin - The social network for professionals. Connect with colleagues at work and in your industry. Display your professional profile and resume. Contribute your expertise.
  • Myspace - Originally created for music bands, myspace quickly grew to be the largest social network until 2008. Featuring a young audience and extremely customizable yet simple interface. Connect with friends, send messages, post audio, pictures, and video, and create your own 'space'.
  • - A social network owned by Google especially popular in Brazil and India. In addition to the usual features (connecting with friends, posting content), Orkut is one of the only networks that helps you reach out to new people with similar hobby or romantic interests.
  • - The original business network designed to help you expand your professional contacts. Post a full profile, invite friends, join Ryze 'networks', and peruse the events calender.
  • - A new social network designed to connect you with people who have similar interests. Fill out your profile (by 'tagging' your interests). Those who have the most in common with you are displayed in the sidebar - they're 'simler'.
  • - A unique 'social action' network which connects members with and organizes activism for social issues that are important to them. Members include citizens, activists, and non profit organizations.

Create a Social Activity Group

An increasingly useful feature, these websites let you form groups around your interests, activities, or other matters. Some even help you schedule real life meetings with your group. These powerful social tools are great when you are trying to take action issues and are having trouble finding people in your local area.

  • - A cross between an article publishing network and an activity group network, Gather let's you create 'groups' around your topic then invite members to join. Members can then post articles, links, and conversations related to the group topic.
  • - A 'bridge' between the 'real world' and online social networking. Start a meetup group about any topic you like, enter a preferred location for the meet, and invite other members to attend in real life. Creating a meetup group also allows you to converse online with other group members, post photos, share  ideas and files, and promote your meetup.
  • - A new social network dedicated to helping members explore their interests together, meet new people who share your interests, and discovering new interests. Unfortunately Ning is phasing out free services to 'group' creators in favor of a tiered pricing structure. However, it is believed at this time you will still be able to freely view and join groups.
  • - Let's you create your own 'social network' in addition to a full featured website. Spruz also allows users to work together on content such as articles for mutual improvement. They are increasing in popularity quickly and offer premium packages for larger or professional groups.
  • - An open source (totally free) way to build advanced social networks including photo/video sharing sites, dating sites, Education project, customer community, collaboration systems, fan clubs, family sites, and more. You can also download the wackwall software and host it yourself.

Publish your Writing

Many of us would love to be published writers. Before the Internet this required an often lengthy and difficult process of meetings with publishers, getting approved, and marketing. The following tools have completely changed the game, however. Simply write your piece, submit to one of these websites, wait for (almost certain) approval, and enjoy a potentially massive audience. You can even work together with other experts to create educational resources for anyone.

  • - Branded the people's media company, Associated Content is a world wide publishing platform for anyone who wants to share instructional information, reviews, guides, interviews, opinion pieces, and more. This can be in the form of articles, video, audio, or images. Authors are paid for their contributions and enjoy a large audience.
  • - A professional article directory with high standards makes this a reliable source for information and a good place to find an audience. Create a free membership, write articles on a wide range of topics, and wait for approval. Author credit is given, including a link back to your own website.
  • - Featuring member created step by step how to guides on almost any topic, Ehow is great for anyone wanting to share their unique expertise without excessive writing. In addition to articles you can also publish videos.
  • - The original article directory on the Internet. Ezinearticles allows members to publish articles on virtually any topic and include extended 'biography' boxes with links to their websites in every article. Ezinearticles enjoys a large, responsive audience and has become the premier place to publish articles on the web relating to your area of expertise. Similar to Buzzle, create a free membership, submit content, and wait for approval. Article quality is directly proportional to how many people will read it.
  • - A less strict alternative to EzineArticles, this directory is good for new authors and those seeking to capitalize on so called 'article marketing' for visitors to their websites. The approval process is fast, just create a free account and submit your content.
  • Helium - Like AssociatedContent, Helium lets writers publish their content and get paid - in one of three possible ways. Helium also incorporates a co-operative structure in that writers are also the editors who rate every article on the site. Writers can also be rewarded by professional journalism organizations.
  • - The largest social publishing and reading site online, with over 50 million monthly readers. In addition to publishing content on any topic, Scribd makes your office documents easily viewable online while preserving their content. Scribd also places special emphasis on sharing your documents with other social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.
  • - A simple revenue sharing article publishing directory. Along with creating your profile and sharing your articles with their community, you can also share bookmarks.
  • - Think of this as a 'co-operative' version of As a registered user, you can upload how to articles. But you can also edit your articles and contribute your expertise to others at any time. This makes Wikihow even more informative.

Share (and Sell) Your Photos

Photographers are another creative group always longing for 'more exposure'. With the latest photo sharing sites - you have it. Post to Flickr or Photobucket with a good picture and you're sure to have many fans. What's more, you can sell your photography for profit, although you'll likely face stiff competition.

  • - This is a unique site which allows you to share more than just photos. It includes computer art, traditional art, software gui's, film and animation, cartoons and comics, and many other types of visual art. Designed with inspiration from 1980's bulletin board systems, the design is clean and easy to use. Simply register for free, create your profile and submit your art or photos.
  • - Now owned by Yahoo, this is probably the most popular photo sharing destination online. Flickr  is unique in that it let's your friends, family, and other contacts do the organizing by 'tagging' your photos. You can also specify where your photos were taken so they can be searched by location. Finally, you can make things from your photos like mugs, t-shirts, dvd's, etc.
  • - Not just photo sharing but photo <em>blogging</em>. Post your photos onto your own customizable page and write a short entry about them. Be exposed to over 20 million unique visitors per month. You can also find people near your location, add and follow friends' photo blogs, and join groups based on topic.
  • - Photo and video sharing with many features: Albums with themes, advanced online photo editor, advanced searching and organizing, scrapbook and slideshow builder, and a store to buy items with your photos printed on them.
  • - Owned by Google, offers highly advanced photo album capabilities which allow you to organize and display pictures according to what's in them. Also 'geo-tag' photos by location, edit photos, select who to share them with, and organize them automatically on your PC with downloadable Picasa.
  • - Owned by Photobucket, this simple service lets you easily share photos and videos across the web on social networks, your own websites, ebay, and more.
  • - A refreshing alternative to other photo sharing services which incorporates a simple interface and several advanced features (such as geo-tagging and portals). Also offers a multi-lingual community to share your photos with.

Share Your Videos

Among the hardest things for an individual to do before personal computers was broadcasting and motion picture promotion. Perhaps that's why video sharing websites are now the most popular aspect of the Internet. You can easily create, upload, and share your videos and gain a world wide following. If you are especially unique and creative it can easily become your primary source of income.

  • - An alternative video sharing service with photo sharing, social networking, blogging, and 100% ad revenue sharing. Also has a reputation to be lenient on censorship.
  • - The original video sharing service enabling millions of people to publish themselves in full motion online for the first time. Now powered by Google, Youtube is larger than ever. Your videos can be see by thousands, even millions of people. Create your own 'channel' and earn a permanent following. Even use it to showcase your talents and be hired by Hollywood.
  • - Accepts videos in a variety of formats and offers a 'desktop uploader' to make uploading easier. Free accounts allow 500 megabytes of video per week (about 2 hours worth). Also offers privacy controls, social networking features. Vimeo has a unique audience in that its users upload large numbers of especially creative home made videos.

Participate in 3D Virtual Worlds

Just now emerging from the 'fringes' of the Internet is the amazing world of 3D virtual reality. Unlike the turn of the millenium, most modern computers are suitable for whisking you away to massive fantasy paradises with your own property. Create your own items. Interact with people in virtually endless ways. Even conduct seminars, business meetings, and manage shopping centers with real cash economies. This market is sure to expand tremendously with the spread of high speed Internet.

  • - Explore, chat, shop, and play games in amazing 3D worlds built by other users. Build your own 3D world for personal, business, educational, or non profit activities. Activeworlds software can also be hosted on your own servers.
  • - The first virtual world with a real cash economy, Entropia offers shopping malls, real business centers, political activism, and a microcosm of every day life. It also allows you to create your own home online with pets, property, possessions, and more.
  • - The first to combine a 3D virtual world with social networking features. Build your own home, walk around modern urban areas and meet new people, upload music, photos, and videos, and meet up to chat, go shopping, or enjoy other entertainment.
  • - A social network and 3D world with an emphasis on avatar chat. Customize your own avatar with thousands of possible variations. Decorate your own 3D space. Sell your own 3D designs. Meet new people.
  • - Second life is the most popular of the virtual worlds. Advanced features let you make friends, participate in activities, create your own residence, customize your avatar, and perform a range of other activities. Similar to EntropiaUniverse it has a real cash economy - although it converts at a lower rate.

See more free web publishing tools here...

15 Fun Ways to Make Money Fast

As industries and economies change, increasingly more of us are looking for new ways to survive. Some of us are driven by hardship, others simply want more freedom. While there are millions of possible ways to earn a buck, it seems like we always need it quickly and easily.

While this does limit your options, it is well within the possible realm. So without further ado, here are the simplest fun ways to make money fast.

Make Money In Your Local Community

We'll start off our list with making money the old fashioned way: without the Internet. And while that may seem boring to you, it can actually be very interesting. There are very effective ways to earn money while enjoying many benefits that can not be had online.

1. Small Gigs (a.k.a. Odd Jobs): First up is a classic for all ages: performing basic chores for cash. You may be tempted to think there's no demand for this anymore, but not so fast. Fact is people are busier than ever and desperate to pay for help. Just check your local newspapers or ask around. Here are a few of the growing possibilities:

  • Perform Outdoor Work: - This includes any outside job that someone might want completed for them. Yard work of all types, handyman work, pool maintenance, gutter cleaning, painting, light construction, waste removal, driveway resealing, car washing, and much more.
  • Apply at Local Events: - We don't commonly think of this, but local events often pay for temporary help. Look for fairs, antique and craft sales, dance and dinner events, even local sporting events. These occur throughout the summer in most communities.
  • Away from Home Services - Anything which someone may want kept up while they're away at work, vacation, wherever. Could be gardening, pet sitting, baby sitting, or even house sitting.

2. Sell Your Stuff - Many of us have extra 'stuff' laying around the house we don't need anymore. This could be appliances, clothes, video game consoles and other entertainment, furniture, cars, etc. Alternatively, you can find items for resale, or make your own. Just pick an interest to focus on. Antique furniture, crafts, or jewelry for example. You can sell your items in a garage sale, local TV radio or newspaper ad, craft sale, or even to local flea markets and pawn shops.

3. Sell Other Stuff - Selling is one of the quickest and simplest ways to make money in our society. If you have the courage, there are endless products available to make a quick sale. I won't go into the many options, but try going door to door, road sales, posting or mailing flyers (check local regulations), setting up a small stand, hosting a 'business' party... just be creative.

4. Donate Body Parts - Another simple way to make money: donate plasma, sperm, or hair to a local clinic. You'll be compensated generously, as much as four digits for a long lock of hair. You can even do this regularly earning money over a period of time.

5. Temporary Work - Day labor brings the quickest returns - often cash at the end of your work shift. Find a local agency or speak with contractors directly by going to their 'pickup' place or using the phonebook.

If you're looking for a wider variety or something which could lead to a permanent position, try a conventional temporary job. Companies often recruit new labor through temp agencies. Being reliable greatly increases your chances of being hired permanently.

If you're after something with a little more variety, seasonal work might be your best option. There are many options here. 2010 is the year of the federal census. Or else, administer tests for Praxis - the teacher certification company.

Other seasonal work includes:

  • Retail
  • Landscaping
  • Carnival employee (carny)
  • Construction
  • Cruise ship employee
  • Farmhand
  • State or national park employee
  • Theme park employee

And more. For a whole list of fun, unique seasonal jobs, click here.

6. Recycling This is a simple, reliable way to make money quickly. You can find scrap metal everywhere - just look for it as you drive around your community. After you have about 50 pounds bring it to the local scrap heap for cash. Prices vary depending on location and type of metal, but expect anywhere from $10 to $20 for that quantity (and it's very easy to get more).

Another option is finding and selling used tires to retreading shops. Some people have reported earning as much as $100 a day recycling tires. They can be found at gas stations, tire dealers, car dealers, along the roadside, and many other places.

Other things you can recycle for money include:

  • Grocery Bags (at supported stores)
  • Printer Ink Cartridges (Staples & other locations)
  • Packing Materials (By selling on Craigslist)
  • Paper (at local churches as a donation)

7. Simple Home Business: While this may not seem like a quick and simple method, some home businesses are actually easier to operate than most other methods of earning income. Keep it part time and track your income & expenses - that's really all there is to it. Here are a few examples:

  • Home Delivery Service - Offer pickup and delivery of groceries, furniture, appliances, newspapers, or anything else someone might require for a small fee plus mileage.
  • House Cleaning - A very common and successful business revolves around the fact that people like clean houses but not the work involved. A simple newspaper classifieds ad (2 sentences plus your phone number) is enough to bring as much as $30/hr. All you need for equipment are basic cleaning supplies - vacuum, cleansers, paper towels, bags.
  • Vacation Services - Another simple in demand business idea: provide plant, pet, house, or baby sitting services in your local area. Place an ad, wait for phone calls, charge by the hour.
  • Offer Your Skills - If you have a special skill it's easy to turn into a part time business. Computer repair, small engine repair welding, carpentry, cooking, et cetera. You need but create an offer, advertise it, and wait for calls. Performing the tasks will be simple with your pre-existing knowledge.

Make Money On the Internet

Among other things, the Internet has brought with it revolutionary new ways to earn a living. For the first time you can wake up in the morning, click buttons for an hour or so, and earn a 'full time' income. Real success stories are everywhere - it's not just a hoax. But you absolutely must know what to look for, and how much work you're willing to perform. You must also realize that earning your living online will dramatically change your social life. Here are a few relatively easy, reliable ways in which even Internet novices can earn some spare change.

8. Enter Contests and Sweepstakes: There are millions of 'opportunities' to earn money online. If you happen to be an expert video gamer, try entering some competitions - you can earn thousands. Or if you don't mind parting with some personal information, try entering online sweepstakes. For tips on finding legitimate online sweepstakes, click here.

9. Domain Parking: There are many variations, but essentially you buy a domain name (Example: and put up a traffic counter. If your statistics show people coming to your domain in the first few days, you have a winner! Now put up a very simple page with advertisements, and repeat. If you get no traffic in the first few days, you can either sell the domain or just hang on to it. Some registrars even let you 'return' the domain in the first 5 days if you don't like it, although the practice is quickly being abandoned due to abuse.

10. Sell Your Stuff Online: This is just like our 2nd and 3rd tips except with online classifieds websites. More ways to sell are appearing online everyday. Here are the most common:

  • ebay - The original online auction site, founded in 1995 (only 2 years after the Internet was commercialized). Ebay allows buyers and sellers to come together in an 'auction' format, or as a regular sale with 'Buy it Now'. Create a free account, create a placement for your item, set an auction or price point, and watch it sell. Many thousands of people make an enjoyable living this way.
  • Craigslist - Craigslist took the online sales world by storm when they started their free online local classifieds service. There are categories for everything you can imagine: physical products to services. Simply choose your geographic location, place a small ad, and wait for a response by email. Just like the newspaper only free and fast.
  • Amazon - In addition to millions of new products, Amazon also lets you list your own new and used merchandise for free! Their interface is simple and let's you access millions of potential viewers.
  • Facebook Marketplace - You can now sell cars and merchandise to Facebook's over 350 million registered users. It's free to use and doesn't require Paypal - the buyer and seller contact each other directly to arrange payment.
  • Etsy - This is a relative newcomer in the online world, intended for handmade craft items. It's great if you seek an audience who will appreciate your unique items, as unlike ebay or craigslist you won't be competing with every product under the sun.

11. Find an Online Gig

There are literally thousands of places to find short term telecommuting work online. Amazon's Mechanical Turk provides a way for companies to hire temporary labor to perform computer tasks. Just check their list to see what's available.

Others are essentially online help wanted classifieds. These include Craigslist's gigs section and hundreds of industry-specific freelance sites (including web design, graphic design, writing, data entry, and more).

There are many other sites which offer unique work, such as:
  • Paid to Write - Website which pay you to write articles for your choosing, either per article or by sharing revenue.
  • Paid to Review (products) - Some websites actually pay you to post written or video reviews of various merchandise.

12. Flip Websites

A slightly more complex but still relatively quick method of earning online is by 'flipping' websites. Similar real estate flipping, you buy established websites for a low cost, fix them up, and make a profit. This may involve:

  • Placing advertisements
  • Internet Marketing Campaign
  • Website Redesign (keeping content and directory structure)

In any case, the outcome is uncertain as the Internet is still an unstable medium. But if you have the skills already, it can be a very good option.

13. Ask for Donations Some people might immediately think of panhandling, but asking for donations online is very socially acceptable under the right conditions. There have been numerous stories of personal hardship which have resulted in the saving of houses, even lives. If you have a website already, just place a button where it's most visible (see the top right sidebar of this site).

14. Start a 'Microblog' Writing a 'micro' blog takes significantly less time than operating a normal website. You simply post a quick message, link, or other media. Soon you'll have a list of loyal followers to whom you can display advertisements related to your topic. This can be done in as little as 5 minutes a day. See a list of microblogging services here.

15. Foreign Exchange Trading (Forex): With the advent of the Internet, Forex trading exploded in popularity. It is now easier than ever to conduct trades and manage campaigns. Software programs assist newcomers and experts alike with important decisions. While there is definitely risk, you can start small to minimize potential loss. As you increase in skill there is significant money to be made, and it can be made very quickly.

What I do not Recommend: Anything which requires you to pay a fee before making money - it's almost certainly a scam. Nor do I recommend anything which involves looking at or clicking advertisements of any type - You'll get nothing but email spam (and possibly a canceled account). Finally, activities like filling out online surveys are essentially a waste of time - hours of your time, for only pennies. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. But don't take my word for it, try asking a community of Internet Marketing experts (click here).

Remember that there are no 'instant money makers', despite all the scientific marketing to persuade you otherwise. If it looks too good to be true, it likely is. But by following through with any of the previous ideas, you can make money faster and with more fun than most conventional jobs.

27 Ways to Instantly Enhance Your Mood

Happiness is said to be a temporary state and even the most optimistic among us occasionally feel down. It may be as simple as a bad day at work or as dramatic as a personal loss. Whatever your bother, fortunately that 'temporary state of mind' can go both ways.

Here are 26 tried and true ways to almost instantly enhance your mood. Try just one or several combinations for maximum effect. Sorted in order of increasing complexity (your observations may vary)..

1. Say Cheese! (Smile): Smiling is one of the oldest tricks in the book. And for good reason - it works! So many studies have concluded that the simple act of smiling makes you feel happier for several of reasons. If you want to get technical, the facial expression triggers linked positive emotional memories in your brain. Besides, smiling takes less effort than frowning. :)

2. Stare at the Sky: Yes, really. Aside from looking strange, looking at the sky for a bit has proven relaxing effects on your nervous system. Plus you're likely to see some interesting stuff - some odd clouds, a hot air balloon, maybe even a UFO. In combination with our next tip, it's a sure winner.

3. Got Sunlight? An ever greater number of scientific studies (such as this one by Dr. Mercola) are finding out just how beneficial sunlight is for us. Just 10 minutes at noon can make you happy all day long. It also fights cancer, improves digestion, and gives you a tan! (It's primary method of action is through increasing serotonin and Vitamin D levels).

4. Laugh Out Loud (lol!): "Laughter is the best medicine". It may be an old saying but it's just as true as ever. As if it needed any more proof, laughter is now scientifically known to have a substantial benefit for our mindset. Sit down to your favorite comedy videos. Or try Youtube for some classic humor. Laugh with friends over some funny jokes, go to a circus, get tickled, or try some more tips...

5. Listen to Music: Music is among the oldest art forms known to man kind for enhancing our moods. The first musical instruments were found in present day China from 7000 B.C. Modern (mainstream) music has actually been scientifically designed to make you happier for marketing purposes. Play your favorite sound track and you'll be 'feeling the beat' in no time. A fast dance track, some good ole' fashioned polka (the all time favorite 'happy' music), or even some relaxing new age. The aura of sound will definitely make you happier.

6. Look at Favorite Photos: This may be an album of warm memories, photos of nature or favorite things on  websites like Flickr or Photobucket, or even a live webcam on the Internet (my personal favorite).

7. Fill Up on Fruit: Many of us have developed a habit of eating junk food when we feel blue. While it may not be healthy, the carbohydrates make us feel good. Here is an even better alternative: Fill up on fruit! Apples, bananas, pears, mangos, peaches, strawberries - whatever combination you like, you really can't go wrong. They offer longer lasting 'complex' carbohydrates (less risk of weight gain) plus an extraordinary amount of vitamins and minerals. You'll also reap the benefits of extra serotonin and endorphin production, so you'll feel happier and relaxed.

8. Drink Green or White Tea: Green and white tea have very high levels of special antioxidants and ingredients which boost your metabolism. Additionally, they contain a special type of caffeine which, unlike coffee, lasts all day long. As if more energy wasn't enough, they also offer a tremendous calming effect which feels great after a long day of stress.

9. Take a Quick Shower: This is a well known favorite. A nice 5 minute shower can make you feel totally rejuvenated after a long day's work.. especially if the conditions are physically intense or nerve wracking.

10. Take a Power Nap: This is a modern day favorite. Many of us don't have time for a full blown 30 to 60 minute nap, so the the 'power nap' was invented. Sit back in your normal chair (or car), close your eyes, and relax for 5 to 10 minutes. As funny as it sounds, this really does have noticeable benefits. You'll arise feeling refreshed and relaxed. Just be sure not to lie down as you'll likely fall asleep and end up late.

11. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is a 2000 plus year old method of healing emotionally, physically, and mentally. It really started taking off at the beginning of the early 20th century, although it didn't reach peak popularity until the early 1990s. It's simple - essential oils made from plant material are heated to the point of evaporation and breathed in, either directly or gradually from the surrounding environment. Each oil is said to have different properties, although none has been scientifically verified. The calming benefits of aromatherapy, however, are attested to by many thousands of users.

12. Place Houseplants:The human mind has adjusted to a natural, green environment over millions of years of evolution. No wonder then that people stated in a recent survey they feel more calm, relaxed, and energized in the presence of green foliage. A few large houseplants around your home or office is sure to improve your spirits, along with the air quality. A bouquet of flowers was found to have a similar effect. Perhaps then the best combination would be a flowering houseplant - if you have sufficient indoor lighting.

13. Go Play! We often tell our children this, but it's something adults take for granted far too much. The mind needs a break, and playing is the natural way for us to do this! There are so many options here, although you may not be familiar. Play an immersive video game. Play a sport with friends (tennis, basketball, jogging, go to the gym, etc). Engage in a favorite hobby (there are thousands, find and pick one or two). Go to an event - a local carnival, picnic, community dance, et cetara. Whatever you do, just make sure you're having fun long enough for your mind, body, and spirit to recover.

14. Reflect: There are times when you don't have the luxury of walking away and doing something else. This is precisely when you should 'reflect'. It's a simple technique - like deliberate daydreaming. Step 1: take a moment to recall some favorite memories. It could be a place, a party or event, a special moment. Step 2. Close your eyes and visualize this moment in your mind. Re-experience it with all of your senses, imagine as if you were actually there. Step 3: Snap your fingers, open your eyes, and repeat as desired.

15. Reframe: Reframing is a relatively new psychological technique in which you take your bad situation and find some good. The concept is based on the simple fact that everything has multiple meanings. Consider your problem from the perspective of a totally uninvolved stranger - a third party perspective. What potential positive benefit can be derived? This may seem difficult at first, but you'll find as you work through that it is highly effective. Work it out on paper by writing it down.

For example, if you just separated from a significant other the potential benefit is that you will have more personal time. Or if it is the death of a loved one you mourn, consider the benefit of the wisdom they parted upon yourself and people around them.

16. Write a Diary (or Blog): Keeping a diary is yet another great way to cope with daily affairs. Writing about your challenges or even successes is a great way to feel better and grow from that which you have learned. A modern alternative is blogging - keeping a diary on the Internet. This has the added benefit that you can remain totally anonymous and still benefit from an audience. Talk with people about your issues, gain from their wisdom.

17. Debate Yourself: This is a curious tactic that you can perform right away. It works best when a negative thought keeps repeating in your mind. Something like: "I'm not good enough". "This ____ is so bad". Or anything else - start by writing down a statement about what's bothering you. Keep it simple: Something like "I can't finish my work project because I don't know how". Don't worry about saying the right thing, anything is better than nothing. Then the fun part: Argue with yourself! Write down reasons why your statement is wrong. Disprove yourself. Try to think the opposite, and write it down. So a response to the previous example might be: "I know how, I'm just not in the mood right now". Or "I said I don't know how because I didn't feel like doing it - but I really have the answer in my head already". The point is to prove your negative thoughts wrong and write it all down - you'll feel better almost immediately.

18. Go Somewhere: When you're feeling down, one of the best things you can do is change your surroundings. Go someplace else - anywhere. To the park. To the movies or drive through theater. To a restaurant, for a drive - a favorite place which you enjoy is preferable, but anything new will do. Enhancing your experience with positive memories or something new is a great way to shake a bad feeling.

19. Tend Your Pets: Many of us have pets. This is an easy way to feel happier. Pet them! Brush or comb them, walk them, feed them, watch them, play with them, just generally interact with them any way you can. Having a pet is a scientifically proven way to improve your mood and reduce stress, so if you don't have a pet get one. If you're never home or bad with maintenance - try a simple aquarium with an autofeeder and a canister filter.

20. Be Creative: This one was hard to place on this list. For some people, being creative comes easily. Others find it difficult. However, in reality we're all highly creative - it's just a matter of seeing it within ourselves. Sure, activities like painting, creating music, writing, or building are obvious. But what about picking out your clothes in the morning? That is a highly creative activity which you perform daily. Or planning your meals. Another daily creative activity. Almost everything you do has a 'creative' aspect - you create something where there previously was nothing. Your goal is to find what you like best and do it when you feel down. It could be organizing your home or garage, making a picture collage on the wall, planning a garden, playing a 'building' video game, even something so simple as making patterns on the water by skipping stones.

21. Exercise: This is one we've all heard before and usually don't want to. But the benefits can not be overstated. So make it simple! Try just doing 30 jumping jacks. Or go for a 5 minute walk, or quick bike ride. Or just stand up and down on your toes for a few minutes. You'll have a huge burst in mood and energy. Or else, make it fun! Play a game of Wii Sports. Walk (or run) your dog. Play basketball, tennis, ping pong, or similar with a friend. It's not at all hard once you get into the habit (which you can also do in under 5 minutes).

22. Accomplish Something: This is basic psychology - intrinsic motivation. Clean your area. Finish a small task. Take the garbage out. Wash dishes. Cut your lawn. Paint or decorate your room. Do something, anything, which you can look at when you're done and think: "That looks so much better". And take time to enjoy it when you're finished. You'll feel a lot better about yourself and the problem. Repeat as desired until you've done everything, then see tip number 13 or 18!

23. Socialize: This is probably something else you hear every day.. but it really does help. If you're feeling gloomy, call or go out with a favorite friend. Talk to a nice co-worker. Nobody you know that you want to talk to? Go to a public place and make small talk with strangers! You may find it difficult but it will be invigorating and exciting at the same time - you'll forget all about your problems, at least for a while. Then you may have new friends to talk to in the future.

24. Flirt: This is like socializing. It's fun, it's exciting, and as long as you keep it innocent it's perfectly harmless (you don't have to exchange numbers, or even a real name). The trick is to go 'outside of yourself'. It's highly effective - you'll feel better in no time.

25. Help someone: Perhaps even better than the feeling of a 'rush' is the feeling of deep inner satisfaction - knowing that you made someone's life a little (or a lot) better. Do anything you can for someone. Help an elderly person across a busy street. Let someone cut in line at the store. Join a volunteer organization. Give away items of value to someone of lesser means. Teach someone something. Reach out and help a person during a time of deep need - there are plenty of opportunities. You'll take away positive memories for a lifetime.

26. Think Fast!: Unfortunately when our mood worsens, our mind tends to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n. This brings the classic 'brain fog' in which negative thoughts get stuck for hours, even days. But now is no time to ponder. This is one case where 'racing thoughts' are a good thing. Anything which gets you thinking faster will make you feel better.

Try doing these activities within 1 minute:

  • Brainstorm your top 10 dream vacation destinations
  • List the 15 favorite people in your life
  • Write 20 three-letter words
  • Say 30 words that begin with "M"
Also try speed reading, playing a fast paced (video) game, or having a fast paced conversation with a friend.

27. Listen to Binaural Beats: Binaural Beats are specific 'sound patterns' which influence your state of mind. More technically, they alter your brain waves by producing two different sound frequencies - one for each ear - and mixing them together. The result sounds something like that of a humming bird in slow motion, a repetitive beat emerging from between your ears.

These sounds are available freely on the Internet as audio files and for purchase as CD's or tapes. You can also find software programs (such as SBaGen or Gnaural) which generate them. There are many claimed states of mind possible with binaural beats - from a deep state of relaxation to a focused state of calm, and excitement.

Grow a Vegetable Garden Anywhere Under 5 Minutes Daily

More than just a hobby, vegetable gardening is a great way to grow your own fresh food. For many of us, however, the time and space requirements are just too much. Even small vegetable gardens require significant yard space in addition to weeding, staking, and other maintenance.

However, a technique known to expert gardeners gives us the ability to grow our vegetables almost anywhere in just minutes a day - through the use of self watering containers. See the video below for a demonstration:

These 'earthboxes' are nothing more than simple store bought rubbermaid containers with a small plastic strainer and some PVC tubing. Once constructed, you can grow tomatoes, peppers, spinach, lettuce, carrots, onions, etc. Even larger vegetables such as zucchini or squash can be grown with stakes or ladders.

Perhaps the best part is the low maintenance. Because your plants are off the ground pests are virtually non-existent. And these containers hold gallons of water - enough to go more than a day even during hot, dry weather without refilling.

Just choose a convenient spot - a patio, table, driveway, etc, and you can grow an entire veggie garden in less than 5 minutes a day! Find more instructions online...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Form Any Habit in Under 5 Minutes (Very Little Motivation Needed!)

It's been said that self discipline is the key to everything in life. History is littered with examples of people who persisted against all odds and changed their lives, even the world, for the better.

What is it then that makes them special? How do they have the ability to work this way, accomplish things seemingly so easily?

Believe it or not, the reality is not so complex. It's true there are people born with abnormally high levels of self control who can breeze through school, work, and every day tasks like they were eating candy. But there are many more of us who do not start out that way. Instead we build it up over time. Some of us may have special guidance from family or friends. Others are able to explore their primary interests very early. And many of us simply learned the old fashioned way - through liberal amounts of toil and labor.

Fortunately, self discipline has no special requirements. It's something we all can have. And it takes very little motivation.

In his 1960 book Psycho-Cybernetics, Dr Maxwell Maltz wrote that it takes approximately 21 days for the mind to form a new habit. During that time, our brain cells form new connections such that it becomes easier to keep doing the new task rather than to stop.

Hence the following 3 step formula can be applied to anything you want to do. Whether it be reading, writing, dieting, exercising, sports, socializing, working, etc.

  • 1. Decide what you want to do (we'll use writing, for example)
  • 2. Do this for only 15 minutes, then stop. (If necessary you can start shorter - 5 minutes for example)
  • 3. Repeat this every day at the same time for at least 21 days. (You can gradually increase the time each day if desired)

After 21 days, the task will become an automatic habit. It may take slightly longer for some of us - just keep slowly building up your time spent on the task every day.

In this way, all of us can have enough self discipline necessary to accomplish anything we want - even if we have never done it before!

5 Ways to Change Your Outlook on Life

Our perspective influences every area of life. Who we are, what we do, who we relate to, and especially our happiness. But the monotony and repetition of the 'every day' erodes our sense of control. The value of our time is incalculable, and if we are to retain it we must find ways to break free from the chains. Fortunately, there are powerful methods of shifting your perspective that are quick to plan.

Ideas to Change Your Outlook on Life

1. Have New Experiences

Among the best ways to experience personal growth and healing is to experience something new. Travel somewhere you've never been. Enjoy nature or a sport with friends. Learn something new. Or simply learn to relax and enjoy the moment. Such experiences are beneficial beyond words to realizing your potential.

2. Major Life Changes

Significant life changes usually bring about dramatic shifts in your perspective. Changing your job, your residence, or your relationships sometimes helps you grow and restore control over your life.

3. Take Chances

It is human nature to stay within our comfort zone - that familiar routine of time and activities that we call every day life. But sometimes we have to exceed our comfort zone to gain a new perspective. Do something you wouldn't normally do, something you may feel apprehensive about. Go sky diving or parachuting. Start a new business. Make small talk with strangers. Make a bet or investment. Anything exciting, within reason.

4. Create Your Reality

The reality provided to us by every day society is often filled with dramatic, negative, repetitive stories. These have powerful persuasion over us - they make us less happy and strongly influence our opinions. Try turning off the media - TV, radio, Internet, etc. Or else, try choosing a certain 'theme' based upon your interests, preferably something you're not used to. Then ignore everything else. Over time you will begin to experience a renewed happiness and enjoyment for your interests.

5. Create Art

Creating art allows you to experience your true self. As such, you grow emotionally and your perspective is more resilient to the stresses of every day life. There are thousands of art forms you can practice, from playing musical instruments to writing, inventing, painting, origami, and more.

Instant Frugal Living Tips: Start Saving Money Today

All of us would like to have more money, especially in today's economy. Having more money means having more time, more fun, and less worry. "If only we could somehow get ahead", we often think to ourselves. Yet on a technical level, having more money is actually quite easy. All we have to do is spend less. The hard part is actually getting our self to make the necessary changes. Fortunately there is help. The following 'instant frugal living tips' will have you feeling good about saving money as quickly as today. For best results, try implementing one tip every day until you've formed new spending habits.

1. Keep Track of Your Expenses

I know you've probably heard this before. But here's the twist: it's now possible to do this with your computer, for free! And it's actually fun. There are both websites to manage your finances online and free software which you can download for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Alternatively you can use a spreadsheet, although the previous two options are better for most people.

Online Management:

Software Download:

2. Eliminate or Replace Daily Luxuries

Many people have regular habits of purchasing small 'luxury' items. At the time you don't feel like you're spending enough to matter. But that $10 coffee 3 times a week is $120 a month! If you have trouble eliminating these luxuries, try replacing them with something much cheaper. Bring a thermos, for example. Here are some other regular luxury items you can eliminate or replace:
  • Smoking & Drinking: Chew gum, drink water, or find something to do.
  • Theater & Movie Rentals: Use the library! Rent from Redbox. Visit a drive-in or older movies theater.
  • Music CD's: Download online and burn to CD or mp3 player.
  • Fast Food & Vending Machines: Yuck! Bring a simple meal.

3. Lower Your Driving Costs

As fuel becomes ever harder to acquire and refine, prices will continuously increase. This makes driving your car to work for money a losing proposition. Many people pay upwards of $600 monthly just to own one vehicle! Gas alone often exceeds $200/mo. Fortunately, there are many things you can do starting today to reduce this expense.
  • Car Pool - Call a co-worker who lives nearby and ask for a ride.
  • Public Transport - Or take a bus, train, or taxi.
  • Buy a Bike - Bicycle or motorcycle, cheaper and more fun.
  • Compare Gas Prices - click here for a list of websites.
  • Optimize Your Car - Close windows, wash it, check tire pressure, air filter, and service engine light.

4. Lower Your Food Costs

Food is often the last thing we consider when we set a goal to reduce our expenses. We need to eat, so what's to reduce? The fact is, what food you purchase should be considered very carefully. Not only can you save tremendous amounts of money by eating at restaurants less often, but you can also save money by enjoying a healthier diet. Cut junk food entirely by planning meals ahead from the many thousands of unique recipes you can find freely online. Planning will also help you prepare meals that are filling yet not excessive or wasteful, especially if you count calories.

5. Reduce Shopping Expenditures

Along with lower food costs goes shopping for less. There are huge gains you can make by tweaking your trips to the store. Chief among these is again by planning ahead. Build a list over time of all the items you require. Then when you go shopping you'll spend less time searching and less money on impulse purchases. This really works, as modern stores are designed to make you spend more if you're unprepared. Also, see which stores are in your local area with a phone book or online and compare prices. You might be surprised as prices vary dramatically even between stores that are very close. Bulk stores, discount stores, and cooperative food markets usually offer the best prices. Other tips to save money when shopping include purchasing store brands (which are often made side-by-side with name brands), looking for discounts, not window shopping, and simply asking for a lower price! While no longer considered status quo, it was once very normal to communicate regarding the price of an item you were purchasing, and there is nothing inherently 'wrong' about it.

6. Reduce Household Service Costs

Believe it or not, household utilities such as water and energy can be reduced rather easily. You can now choose from several companies for each of your utilities, depending upon where you live. Use their websites or call directly to compare prices between them, it's possible to save as much as 15% on your energy bills. And form good habits around saving energy: Shut off lights & appliances, don't leave water running, turn the climate control down. Many utility companies will even provide a free home energy audit simply by calling them. See more ways to save on utility costs.. As the line blurs between phone and television service, many extra features are added to 'expand' your entertainment options. However, these can add up to literally hundreds of dollars a month. Consider reviewing your packages for features which are unnecessary - you can call and have them canceled in minutes. This is especially helpful with cellular service. Also, it is now possible to consolidate services to just one company with substantial discounts. The reliability of cell phone service has improved to the point that many people no longer keep separate land lines.

7. Cut Subscriptions

Speaking of service costs, it seems almost anything can be had with a 'subscription' these days. Cars leases, portable Internet access, music and movie rentals, and millions of other items. Really think about it: do you require these items for daily living? The answer is almost inevitably no. But of course we're facing the age old challenge of willpower. What to do? Cut back gradually. Fill the void created in your day with more healthy activities.

8. Buy Used

So many items today are purchased and replaced only a short while later. This almost always occurs before the product's useful life cycle ends. Cars are a prime example. Modern vehicles easily last more than 10 years with maintenance. And there are hundreds of others. Computers, televisions, appliances, furniture, bikes, almost anything considered expensive for a middle class income. Search ebay, Craigslist, Autotrader, or Freecycle. Go to resale shops. Check local classifieds. Even garage sales have very nice bargains. And while you'll undoubtedly experience peer pressure to have the newest items available, you can often acquire a nicer used item for the same price or much less. Think of all the extra money, or time, you'll have to spend as you want.

Monday, May 14, 2012

10 Quick and Effective Tips for Self Defense

1. Emotional and Instinctive Control: In the event of a confrontation, practicing emotional control is helpful for maintaining the upper hand. Use techniques like freeze framing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and a natural low sugar diet. Also try practices such as Aiki and similar energy exercises.

2. Exercise: Good physical fitness allows you to escape danger faster and defend against attack. Try aerobic exercises like jogging, jumping jacks, step ups, etc. Click here for more details.

3. Self Confidence: Increasing your level of self esteem reduces the odds that you will be chosen for an attack. Good diet and exercise helps improve confidence, as does a variety of enjoyable activities on a daily basis. Enjoying new positive experiences over time is probably the best way to improve esteem. The more significant your experience, the greater your benefit will be.

4. Keep Company: If you're planning activities in risky areas or at unusual times of the day, go with friends. Having more than one person with you significantly reduces the chances of your being attacked.

5. Pay Attention to Your Environment There are several habits you can learn to prevent the possibility of an attack. Reduce personal distractions (such as cell phones), learn to look around (vs the tendency to look ahead while walking), and pay special attention to concealed areas where an attacker may hide.

6. Use Self Defense Tools: Pepper spray in strengths up to 18% Oleoresin Capsicum, even mixed with tear gas, will temporarily blind enemies. Stun guns operating at many thousands of volts can immobilize enemies for minutes at a time. And personal alarms up to 120 decibels will distract and deter long enough to get away.

7. Practice Balance: In the event that you are caught off guard by an attacker, good balance will make it easier for you to escape. Exercise core body muscles and practice coordination through sports and similar physical activities.

8. Stay in Well Lit Areas at Night: This is an obvious tip. If you have to be outside at night, stay in bright areas (street lights, building signs), or bring a high powered LED flashlight.

9. Trust Your Instincts: Learn to recognize and trust your personal feelings about a situation. For instance, if you're walking alone at night and suddenly feel insecurely about the surrounding area, there is a good chance your feelings are accurate. That should be your warning sign to leave immediately.

10. Warrior Mindset: Finally there is always a possibility that you will have to confront an attacker. Your chances of survival will increase if you react instantly instead of freezing under fear.

3 Quick and Simple Smoothies to Boost Your Energy

Natural food is the best way to boost your health, mental, and physical energy. And the simplest way to consume raw food is by blending it into smoothies. These four recipes make an excellent start to a healthier lifestyle..

1. Orange Broccoli Strawberry Shake
1/2 cup frozen broccoli
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup orange juice
3 ice cubes

2. Mixed Fruit Smoothie
1 - 2 cups favorite fruit (this can be almost anything and still taste good - berries, apples, peaches, kiwi, etc)
2 bananas
3 tablespoons whey powder (optional)

3. Raw Green Spinach and Fruit Smoothie
2 cups spinach
1 banana
1 1/2 cups of pineapple or mango
2 oranges
2 cups of water

30+ Super Quick Tips to Lower Your Stress

Every day we're exposed to tremendous amounts of stress and anxiety, and with dramatic consequences. Loss of our sense of control over life, loss of our health, and ultimately the loss of our personal time.

There are many ways by which we can relax and regain control over our lives, unfortunately many of us don't have the time to do so. Here are over 30 methods which can be implemented in under 5 minutes, and in most instances we'll feel the effects almost immediately.

Complete These Tips in Under 5 Minutes

1. Aerobic Exercise: Aerobic exercise has a vast range of proven benefits on the body, not the least of which are the production of several chemicals and hormones which help to relax your nervous system. Additionally you will enjoy enhanced mental clarity and control from increased blood flow to the brain.

2. Arm and Leg Shake: This simple exercise is just as the title implies. Start by shaking your arms and hands for 1 to 2 minutes. Then switch to your legs and feet, and repeat from the beginning. This helps increase circulation throughout your body, among other things.

3. Cleanse Negative Thoughts: A key component of relaxation is your state of mind. To achieve this, begin by writing down any negative thoughts in detail. Then go back and debate or refute the thoughts in your mind. Logically think them through, giving yourself time to find any flaws. After finding them (and writing down if necessary), practice 'self affirmation techniques - this essentially involves reflecting upon your present life situation and planning actions you can take for positive changes. (In essence this is a three step process - write them down, think them through, self-affirm).

4. Deep Breathing: It is a natural response to anxiety to breath shallow or not at all. In response, we should focus our attention on proper breathing techniques to induce relaxation through the sympathetic nervous system. Start by inhaling at the 'bottom' of your lungs - by expanding the abdomen. As you breath out, contract your abdomen as if to push the air out of your lungs, then repeat. Be sure that you fill the lungs each time and expel as much air as possible.

5. Spine Relaxation: First, bend slightly at your knees. Next, bend at your waste until you are parallel to the ground. Loosen your upper body and remain in this position for 15 seconds. Finally, slowly return to an upright position.

6. Eat and Drink relaxing foods: Eating a healthy, natural diet is always a good idea for maintaining optimum state of mind. But there are specific foods we can take to feel more relaxed. Chief among these are green tea, white tea, and unsweetened dark chocolate. Also good are coconut water, bananas, and other natural fruits for their high electrolyte content. Foods high in complex carbs such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, and whole grains can also induce relaxation, although you should consider the previous options first. Finally, foods and supplements high in tryptophan are believed to help with relaxation by boosting the body's production of certain brain chemicals.

7. Hold Hands: The simple act of physical contact with those close to you has been demonstrated to have a calming effect on the nervous system. This can often be felt immediately, and persist for a long time afterwards.

8. Hold your Thumbs: This is a technique from a simple form of acupressure known as Jin Shin Jyutsu. According to this philosophy, emotions can be connected to your fingers, and the thumb is associated with worry. Pressing the spot on your forehead between both eyebrows is said to have a similar effect.

9. Laugh: We're all aware of the benefits of laughter, and it is powerful medicine. It helps us by lowering our stress, making us physically relaxed, and connecting us socially. Try watching short humor videos at websites like Youtube or Vimeo. You can also tell jokes or share fun activities (such as singing and dancing) with friends.

10. Listen to music: Music, especially instrumental pieces with a slow melody have been found by a variety of studies to improve our state of mind and level of relaxation.

11. Perform Visualizations and Guided Imagery: The benefits of this technique can be realized almost instantly. Simply close your eyes and imagine a scenario that is serene and peaceful to you. Many people find nature scenes to be especially effective. Try to encompass your full range of senses, imagining with site, sound smell, touch, and even taste. Continue this for as long as you desire until you are sufficiently relaxed. Later more advanced visualization techniques can be applied to increase peace of mind.

12. Practice Quick Yoga: Yoga is a great way to heal your mind, body, and spirit. And now, many strategies can provide benefits in under 5 minutes. Here is a list of yoga practices which you can do quickly - as little as a few seconds: Quick Yoga Practices

13. Progressive muscle relaxation: This technique is based upon the connection between your physical body and state of mind. Start by tightening the muscles in the lower most part of your body (your toes and feet) for 10 to 20 seconds then relax. Gradually move to the next muscle group. Toes, feet, legs, abdomen, back, chest, neck, face, etc. Feel the resulting release of tension as you move between muscle groups. Breath deeply as you go.

14. Reiki Hands: This technique comes from the the ancient Japanese tradition of Reiki. Start by rubbing the palms of your hands vigorously to generate heat. Then place your palms over your eyes for total darkness. Breath deeply and repeat as many times as necessary.

15. Reduce surrounding noise with earplugs: This technique is similar to the last in that you are reducing sensory overload. Simply use a quality set of polystyrene (foam) earplugs to reduce background noise. The resulting quiet will assist your being calm and relaxed.

16. Soak your Feet: Your feet are constantly exposed to unusual physical stress throughout the day by poor footwear and excessive standing. New research shows the nervous system gets 'confused' by this foot trauma resulting in physical and mental stress throughout our body. To help reduce this stress, try soaking your feet in a warm tub of water with Epsom's salt, essential oils, and marbles. This will reduce tension and produce a calming effect across your body.

17. Stop Multi-Tasking: When we're busy, we try to finish work as fast as possible. And we try by doing more than one thing at a time. The resultant 'switching' between tasks takes much more effort and energy. Stress hormones build and because we actually slows down, our anxiety to finish work increases. There are a variety of ways to stop multi-tasking depending upon your actual work, the point is to finish a task to completion before doing something else.

18. Stretches: Body stretching is well known for a variety of physical benefits. And with physical relaxation comes relaxation of the mind. Try some quick head to toe stretches after a long day of standing, or raising your arms above your head after a long time at the desk. Click here for more quick stretches..

19. Tai chi rocking motion: This is essentially 'rocking' forward and back on your feet. Begin in a standing position and shift your body weight towards the front of your feet. Then gradually rock back on your feet, shifting your body weight in the process. Feel each point on your feet as you rock. This quick tai chi technique is similar to a foot bath or massage. Click here for a demonstration video..

20. Take a Break: We often overlook this, but taking breaks has proven benefits for us. We work more efficiently, we feel less stressed, and ultimately we stay healthier in the long term. You will feel substantially better after even a quick break.

21. Use a stress ball: There are two basic types of stress balls; squeeze balls and Chinese Baoding balls. Squeeze balls work on the principle of muscle tension and relaxation, in addition to circulation. Baoding balls are based upon principles of acupuncture - two of them are rolled in the palm of your hand while maintaining contact between them. While results have never been proven, many have noted a sense of relaxation especially after long periods of working with their hands (such as using a computer).

22. Walk or Run: This is a classic relaxation technique. A quick 5 minute walk or run around the block will boost your energy while improving relaxation and mental clarity.

Implement these tips in under 5 minutes

23. Brush your pet: If you have dogs or cats, a great way to relax is to simply brush them daily for 5 minutes in long, slow patterns. Interacting with your pets has proven benefits for mental and physical health.

24. Chew Gum: Studies have recently found chewing gum can lower stress, reduce anxiety, make you more alert, and even improve thinking performance under high workload.

25. Create a 'picture diary': This is a quick and easy technique for improving mood, easing anxiety, and boosting your motivation. Simply create a diary of memorable pictures from your life and/or inspiring photographs.

26. Dance to music: Another classic yet highly effective way to relax and be happy. Just turn on some favorite music and dance, with friend or even by yourself. The combination of music, physical activity, and focus will uplift any mood.

27. Emotional Freedom Technique: EFT is an increasingly popular, slightly modified form of acupressure which has been found by its practitioners to remove negative emotions quickly. For a quick overview of EFT techniques, click here..

28. Focus on something: Flow of consciousness, workflow, in the zone; whatever name you use - it means occupying your mind with an engaging, fulfilling, creative task long enough to reach a state of heightened relaxation. This may come in the form of art (playing musical instruments, painting, poetry), watching video, playing games, pursuing a hobby, writing, or any other many possible activities. Simply choose a favorite and practice regularly.

29. Relaxation scripts: Somewhat like reading a book, these written statement provide relaxing scenarios for your mind's eye. This can be anything from a simple relaxation routine to complex guided imagery like taking a vacation.

30. Self Hypnosis: You can administer hypnosis to yourself through simple visualization (similar to meditating) or with audio and video recordings. After some practice, this routine can be an easy way to relax and boost self confidence. See an example here..

31. Socialize with a Friend: This is an obvious tip. Talking with friends is a great way to relax and work through problems in your situation. Call someone you know, or even better meet up with a few friends at a favorite place.

Tips which require more than 5 minutes

32. Acupressure or Acupuncture: Acupuncture has a longstanding reputation for relieving pain, stress, and anxiety. Traditional Chinese Medicine states that there are energy meridians in the body, and blockages can form in these meridians. The main difference with acupressure is that it does not require any special needles. See this short guide on acupressure if you wish to learn more..

33. Meditation: This is an ancient discipline practiced to achieve higher states of mind. Although it takes much practice to master this technique, relaxation is just the beginning of potential benefits. The key is the ability to passively observe your thoughts without actively trying to clear your mind. Click here for a short guide and video..

34. Regular Exercise Program: Brief exercise sessions can be helpful to relieve temporary stress and anxiety, but a program of regular exercise can increase your body's ability to handle problems in the first place.

35. Learn Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Learning to recognize negative thinking patterns and how they lead to poor self esteem gives more control over your life. This process can be self administered if you are willing to learn and take the necessary steps. Click here for a 5 step guide..

36. Attend Psychotherapy Sessions: This is a powerful method of treatment that many people are unwilling to consider. Psychotherapists use a variety of effective strategies to find quick resolution to emotional trouble.

37. Attend Reiki Sessions: Reiki is a Japanese technique in which a practitioner uses their hands to 'balance' systems of the body. Like Qigong, Reiki incorporates the concept of a 'life force' that can be increased to the benefit of one's health.

38. Qigong: This is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves slow movements and controlled breathing to promote the flow of 'qi', or 'life force' throughout your body. It is believed removing blockages to the flow of life force promotes health and well being. Click here for video guides..