Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5 Ways to Change Your Outlook on Life

Our perspective influences every area of life. Who we are, what we do, who we relate to, and especially our happiness. But the monotony and repetition of the 'every day' erodes our sense of control. The value of our time is incalculable, and if we are to retain it we must find ways to break free from the chains. Fortunately, there are powerful methods of shifting your perspective that are quick to plan.

Ideas to Change Your Outlook on Life

1. Have New Experiences

Among the best ways to experience personal growth and healing is to experience something new. Travel somewhere you've never been. Enjoy nature or a sport with friends. Learn something new. Or simply learn to relax and enjoy the moment. Such experiences are beneficial beyond words to realizing your potential.

2. Major Life Changes

Significant life changes usually bring about dramatic shifts in your perspective. Changing your job, your residence, or your relationships sometimes helps you grow and restore control over your life.

3. Take Chances

It is human nature to stay within our comfort zone - that familiar routine of time and activities that we call every day life. But sometimes we have to exceed our comfort zone to gain a new perspective. Do something you wouldn't normally do, something you may feel apprehensive about. Go sky diving or parachuting. Start a new business. Make small talk with strangers. Make a bet or investment. Anything exciting, within reason.

4. Create Your Reality

The reality provided to us by every day society is often filled with dramatic, negative, repetitive stories. These have powerful persuasion over us - they make us less happy and strongly influence our opinions. Try turning off the media - TV, radio, Internet, etc. Or else, try choosing a certain 'theme' based upon your interests, preferably something you're not used to. Then ignore everything else. Over time you will begin to experience a renewed happiness and enjoyment for your interests.

5. Create Art

Creating art allows you to experience your true self. As such, you grow emotionally and your perspective is more resilient to the stresses of every day life. There are thousands of art forms you can practice, from playing musical instruments to writing, inventing, painting, origami, and more.

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