Monday, May 14, 2012

30+ Super Quick Tips to Lower Your Stress

Every day we're exposed to tremendous amounts of stress and anxiety, and with dramatic consequences. Loss of our sense of control over life, loss of our health, and ultimately the loss of our personal time.

There are many ways by which we can relax and regain control over our lives, unfortunately many of us don't have the time to do so. Here are over 30 methods which can be implemented in under 5 minutes, and in most instances we'll feel the effects almost immediately.

Complete These Tips in Under 5 Minutes

1. Aerobic Exercise: Aerobic exercise has a vast range of proven benefits on the body, not the least of which are the production of several chemicals and hormones which help to relax your nervous system. Additionally you will enjoy enhanced mental clarity and control from increased blood flow to the brain.

2. Arm and Leg Shake: This simple exercise is just as the title implies. Start by shaking your arms and hands for 1 to 2 minutes. Then switch to your legs and feet, and repeat from the beginning. This helps increase circulation throughout your body, among other things.

3. Cleanse Negative Thoughts: A key component of relaxation is your state of mind. To achieve this, begin by writing down any negative thoughts in detail. Then go back and debate or refute the thoughts in your mind. Logically think them through, giving yourself time to find any flaws. After finding them (and writing down if necessary), practice 'self affirmation techniques - this essentially involves reflecting upon your present life situation and planning actions you can take for positive changes. (In essence this is a three step process - write them down, think them through, self-affirm).

4. Deep Breathing: It is a natural response to anxiety to breath shallow or not at all. In response, we should focus our attention on proper breathing techniques to induce relaxation through the sympathetic nervous system. Start by inhaling at the 'bottom' of your lungs - by expanding the abdomen. As you breath out, contract your abdomen as if to push the air out of your lungs, then repeat. Be sure that you fill the lungs each time and expel as much air as possible.

5. Spine Relaxation: First, bend slightly at your knees. Next, bend at your waste until you are parallel to the ground. Loosen your upper body and remain in this position for 15 seconds. Finally, slowly return to an upright position.

6. Eat and Drink relaxing foods: Eating a healthy, natural diet is always a good idea for maintaining optimum state of mind. But there are specific foods we can take to feel more relaxed. Chief among these are green tea, white tea, and unsweetened dark chocolate. Also good are coconut water, bananas, and other natural fruits for their high electrolyte content. Foods high in complex carbs such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, and whole grains can also induce relaxation, although you should consider the previous options first. Finally, foods and supplements high in tryptophan are believed to help with relaxation by boosting the body's production of certain brain chemicals.

7. Hold Hands: The simple act of physical contact with those close to you has been demonstrated to have a calming effect on the nervous system. This can often be felt immediately, and persist for a long time afterwards.

8. Hold your Thumbs: This is a technique from a simple form of acupressure known as Jin Shin Jyutsu. According to this philosophy, emotions can be connected to your fingers, and the thumb is associated with worry. Pressing the spot on your forehead between both eyebrows is said to have a similar effect.

9. Laugh: We're all aware of the benefits of laughter, and it is powerful medicine. It helps us by lowering our stress, making us physically relaxed, and connecting us socially. Try watching short humor videos at websites like Youtube or Vimeo. You can also tell jokes or share fun activities (such as singing and dancing) with friends.

10. Listen to music: Music, especially instrumental pieces with a slow melody have been found by a variety of studies to improve our state of mind and level of relaxation.

11. Perform Visualizations and Guided Imagery: The benefits of this technique can be realized almost instantly. Simply close your eyes and imagine a scenario that is serene and peaceful to you. Many people find nature scenes to be especially effective. Try to encompass your full range of senses, imagining with site, sound smell, touch, and even taste. Continue this for as long as you desire until you are sufficiently relaxed. Later more advanced visualization techniques can be applied to increase peace of mind.

12. Practice Quick Yoga: Yoga is a great way to heal your mind, body, and spirit. And now, many strategies can provide benefits in under 5 minutes. Here is a list of yoga practices which you can do quickly - as little as a few seconds: Quick Yoga Practices

13. Progressive muscle relaxation: This technique is based upon the connection between your physical body and state of mind. Start by tightening the muscles in the lower most part of your body (your toes and feet) for 10 to 20 seconds then relax. Gradually move to the next muscle group. Toes, feet, legs, abdomen, back, chest, neck, face, etc. Feel the resulting release of tension as you move between muscle groups. Breath deeply as you go.

14. Reiki Hands: This technique comes from the the ancient Japanese tradition of Reiki. Start by rubbing the palms of your hands vigorously to generate heat. Then place your palms over your eyes for total darkness. Breath deeply and repeat as many times as necessary.

15. Reduce surrounding noise with earplugs: This technique is similar to the last in that you are reducing sensory overload. Simply use a quality set of polystyrene (foam) earplugs to reduce background noise. The resulting quiet will assist your being calm and relaxed.

16. Soak your Feet: Your feet are constantly exposed to unusual physical stress throughout the day by poor footwear and excessive standing. New research shows the nervous system gets 'confused' by this foot trauma resulting in physical and mental stress throughout our body. To help reduce this stress, try soaking your feet in a warm tub of water with Epsom's salt, essential oils, and marbles. This will reduce tension and produce a calming effect across your body.

17. Stop Multi-Tasking: When we're busy, we try to finish work as fast as possible. And we try by doing more than one thing at a time. The resultant 'switching' between tasks takes much more effort and energy. Stress hormones build and because we actually slows down, our anxiety to finish work increases. There are a variety of ways to stop multi-tasking depending upon your actual work, the point is to finish a task to completion before doing something else.

18. Stretches: Body stretching is well known for a variety of physical benefits. And with physical relaxation comes relaxation of the mind. Try some quick head to toe stretches after a long day of standing, or raising your arms above your head after a long time at the desk. Click here for more quick stretches..

19. Tai chi rocking motion: This is essentially 'rocking' forward and back on your feet. Begin in a standing position and shift your body weight towards the front of your feet. Then gradually rock back on your feet, shifting your body weight in the process. Feel each point on your feet as you rock. This quick tai chi technique is similar to a foot bath or massage. Click here for a demonstration video..

20. Take a Break: We often overlook this, but taking breaks has proven benefits for us. We work more efficiently, we feel less stressed, and ultimately we stay healthier in the long term. You will feel substantially better after even a quick break.

21. Use a stress ball: There are two basic types of stress balls; squeeze balls and Chinese Baoding balls. Squeeze balls work on the principle of muscle tension and relaxation, in addition to circulation. Baoding balls are based upon principles of acupuncture - two of them are rolled in the palm of your hand while maintaining contact between them. While results have never been proven, many have noted a sense of relaxation especially after long periods of working with their hands (such as using a computer).

22. Walk or Run: This is a classic relaxation technique. A quick 5 minute walk or run around the block will boost your energy while improving relaxation and mental clarity.

Implement these tips in under 5 minutes

23. Brush your pet: If you have dogs or cats, a great way to relax is to simply brush them daily for 5 minutes in long, slow patterns. Interacting with your pets has proven benefits for mental and physical health.

24. Chew Gum: Studies have recently found chewing gum can lower stress, reduce anxiety, make you more alert, and even improve thinking performance under high workload.

25. Create a 'picture diary': This is a quick and easy technique for improving mood, easing anxiety, and boosting your motivation. Simply create a diary of memorable pictures from your life and/or inspiring photographs.

26. Dance to music: Another classic yet highly effective way to relax and be happy. Just turn on some favorite music and dance, with friend or even by yourself. The combination of music, physical activity, and focus will uplift any mood.

27. Emotional Freedom Technique: EFT is an increasingly popular, slightly modified form of acupressure which has been found by its practitioners to remove negative emotions quickly. For a quick overview of EFT techniques, click here..

28. Focus on something: Flow of consciousness, workflow, in the zone; whatever name you use - it means occupying your mind with an engaging, fulfilling, creative task long enough to reach a state of heightened relaxation. This may come in the form of art (playing musical instruments, painting, poetry), watching video, playing games, pursuing a hobby, writing, or any other many possible activities. Simply choose a favorite and practice regularly.

29. Relaxation scripts: Somewhat like reading a book, these written statement provide relaxing scenarios for your mind's eye. This can be anything from a simple relaxation routine to complex guided imagery like taking a vacation.

30. Self Hypnosis: You can administer hypnosis to yourself through simple visualization (similar to meditating) or with audio and video recordings. After some practice, this routine can be an easy way to relax and boost self confidence. See an example here..

31. Socialize with a Friend: This is an obvious tip. Talking with friends is a great way to relax and work through problems in your situation. Call someone you know, or even better meet up with a few friends at a favorite place.

Tips which require more than 5 minutes

32. Acupressure or Acupuncture: Acupuncture has a longstanding reputation for relieving pain, stress, and anxiety. Traditional Chinese Medicine states that there are energy meridians in the body, and blockages can form in these meridians. The main difference with acupressure is that it does not require any special needles. See this short guide on acupressure if you wish to learn more..

33. Meditation: This is an ancient discipline practiced to achieve higher states of mind. Although it takes much practice to master this technique, relaxation is just the beginning of potential benefits. The key is the ability to passively observe your thoughts without actively trying to clear your mind. Click here for a short guide and video..

34. Regular Exercise Program: Brief exercise sessions can be helpful to relieve temporary stress and anxiety, but a program of regular exercise can increase your body's ability to handle problems in the first place.

35. Learn Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Learning to recognize negative thinking patterns and how they lead to poor self esteem gives more control over your life. This process can be self administered if you are willing to learn and take the necessary steps. Click here for a 5 step guide..

36. Attend Psychotherapy Sessions: This is a powerful method of treatment that many people are unwilling to consider. Psychotherapists use a variety of effective strategies to find quick resolution to emotional trouble.

37. Attend Reiki Sessions: Reiki is a Japanese technique in which a practitioner uses their hands to 'balance' systems of the body. Like Qigong, Reiki incorporates the concept of a 'life force' that can be increased to the benefit of one's health.

38. Qigong: This is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves slow movements and controlled breathing to promote the flow of 'qi', or 'life force' throughout your body. It is believed removing blockages to the flow of life force promotes health and well being. Click here for video guides..

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