Wednesday, May 16, 2012

27 Ways to Instantly Enhance Your Mood

Happiness is said to be a temporary state and even the most optimistic among us occasionally feel down. It may be as simple as a bad day at work or as dramatic as a personal loss. Whatever your bother, fortunately that 'temporary state of mind' can go both ways.

Here are 26 tried and true ways to almost instantly enhance your mood. Try just one or several combinations for maximum effect. Sorted in order of increasing complexity (your observations may vary)..

1. Say Cheese! (Smile): Smiling is one of the oldest tricks in the book. And for good reason - it works! So many studies have concluded that the simple act of smiling makes you feel happier for several of reasons. If you want to get technical, the facial expression triggers linked positive emotional memories in your brain. Besides, smiling takes less effort than frowning. :)

2. Stare at the Sky: Yes, really. Aside from looking strange, looking at the sky for a bit has proven relaxing effects on your nervous system. Plus you're likely to see some interesting stuff - some odd clouds, a hot air balloon, maybe even a UFO. In combination with our next tip, it's a sure winner.

3. Got Sunlight? An ever greater number of scientific studies (such as this one by Dr. Mercola) are finding out just how beneficial sunlight is for us. Just 10 minutes at noon can make you happy all day long. It also fights cancer, improves digestion, and gives you a tan! (It's primary method of action is through increasing serotonin and Vitamin D levels).

4. Laugh Out Loud (lol!): "Laughter is the best medicine". It may be an old saying but it's just as true as ever. As if it needed any more proof, laughter is now scientifically known to have a substantial benefit for our mindset. Sit down to your favorite comedy videos. Or try Youtube for some classic humor. Laugh with friends over some funny jokes, go to a circus, get tickled, or try some more tips...

5. Listen to Music: Music is among the oldest art forms known to man kind for enhancing our moods. The first musical instruments were found in present day China from 7000 B.C. Modern (mainstream) music has actually been scientifically designed to make you happier for marketing purposes. Play your favorite sound track and you'll be 'feeling the beat' in no time. A fast dance track, some good ole' fashioned polka (the all time favorite 'happy' music), or even some relaxing new age. The aura of sound will definitely make you happier.

6. Look at Favorite Photos: This may be an album of warm memories, photos of nature or favorite things on  websites like Flickr or Photobucket, or even a live webcam on the Internet (my personal favorite).

7. Fill Up on Fruit: Many of us have developed a habit of eating junk food when we feel blue. While it may not be healthy, the carbohydrates make us feel good. Here is an even better alternative: Fill up on fruit! Apples, bananas, pears, mangos, peaches, strawberries - whatever combination you like, you really can't go wrong. They offer longer lasting 'complex' carbohydrates (less risk of weight gain) plus an extraordinary amount of vitamins and minerals. You'll also reap the benefits of extra serotonin and endorphin production, so you'll feel happier and relaxed.

8. Drink Green or White Tea: Green and white tea have very high levels of special antioxidants and ingredients which boost your metabolism. Additionally, they contain a special type of caffeine which, unlike coffee, lasts all day long. As if more energy wasn't enough, they also offer a tremendous calming effect which feels great after a long day of stress.

9. Take a Quick Shower: This is a well known favorite. A nice 5 minute shower can make you feel totally rejuvenated after a long day's work.. especially if the conditions are physically intense or nerve wracking.

10. Take a Power Nap: This is a modern day favorite. Many of us don't have time for a full blown 30 to 60 minute nap, so the the 'power nap' was invented. Sit back in your normal chair (or car), close your eyes, and relax for 5 to 10 minutes. As funny as it sounds, this really does have noticeable benefits. You'll arise feeling refreshed and relaxed. Just be sure not to lie down as you'll likely fall asleep and end up late.

11. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is a 2000 plus year old method of healing emotionally, physically, and mentally. It really started taking off at the beginning of the early 20th century, although it didn't reach peak popularity until the early 1990s. It's simple - essential oils made from plant material are heated to the point of evaporation and breathed in, either directly or gradually from the surrounding environment. Each oil is said to have different properties, although none has been scientifically verified. The calming benefits of aromatherapy, however, are attested to by many thousands of users.

12. Place Houseplants:The human mind has adjusted to a natural, green environment over millions of years of evolution. No wonder then that people stated in a recent survey they feel more calm, relaxed, and energized in the presence of green foliage. A few large houseplants around your home or office is sure to improve your spirits, along with the air quality. A bouquet of flowers was found to have a similar effect. Perhaps then the best combination would be a flowering houseplant - if you have sufficient indoor lighting.

13. Go Play! We often tell our children this, but it's something adults take for granted far too much. The mind needs a break, and playing is the natural way for us to do this! There are so many options here, although you may not be familiar. Play an immersive video game. Play a sport with friends (tennis, basketball, jogging, go to the gym, etc). Engage in a favorite hobby (there are thousands, find and pick one or two). Go to an event - a local carnival, picnic, community dance, et cetara. Whatever you do, just make sure you're having fun long enough for your mind, body, and spirit to recover.

14. Reflect: There are times when you don't have the luxury of walking away and doing something else. This is precisely when you should 'reflect'. It's a simple technique - like deliberate daydreaming. Step 1: take a moment to recall some favorite memories. It could be a place, a party or event, a special moment. Step 2. Close your eyes and visualize this moment in your mind. Re-experience it with all of your senses, imagine as if you were actually there. Step 3: Snap your fingers, open your eyes, and repeat as desired.

15. Reframe: Reframing is a relatively new psychological technique in which you take your bad situation and find some good. The concept is based on the simple fact that everything has multiple meanings. Consider your problem from the perspective of a totally uninvolved stranger - a third party perspective. What potential positive benefit can be derived? This may seem difficult at first, but you'll find as you work through that it is highly effective. Work it out on paper by writing it down.

For example, if you just separated from a significant other the potential benefit is that you will have more personal time. Or if it is the death of a loved one you mourn, consider the benefit of the wisdom they parted upon yourself and people around them.

16. Write a Diary (or Blog): Keeping a diary is yet another great way to cope with daily affairs. Writing about your challenges or even successes is a great way to feel better and grow from that which you have learned. A modern alternative is blogging - keeping a diary on the Internet. This has the added benefit that you can remain totally anonymous and still benefit from an audience. Talk with people about your issues, gain from their wisdom.

17. Debate Yourself: This is a curious tactic that you can perform right away. It works best when a negative thought keeps repeating in your mind. Something like: "I'm not good enough". "This ____ is so bad". Or anything else - start by writing down a statement about what's bothering you. Keep it simple: Something like "I can't finish my work project because I don't know how". Don't worry about saying the right thing, anything is better than nothing. Then the fun part: Argue with yourself! Write down reasons why your statement is wrong. Disprove yourself. Try to think the opposite, and write it down. So a response to the previous example might be: "I know how, I'm just not in the mood right now". Or "I said I don't know how because I didn't feel like doing it - but I really have the answer in my head already". The point is to prove your negative thoughts wrong and write it all down - you'll feel better almost immediately.

18. Go Somewhere: When you're feeling down, one of the best things you can do is change your surroundings. Go someplace else - anywhere. To the park. To the movies or drive through theater. To a restaurant, for a drive - a favorite place which you enjoy is preferable, but anything new will do. Enhancing your experience with positive memories or something new is a great way to shake a bad feeling.

19. Tend Your Pets: Many of us have pets. This is an easy way to feel happier. Pet them! Brush or comb them, walk them, feed them, watch them, play with them, just generally interact with them any way you can. Having a pet is a scientifically proven way to improve your mood and reduce stress, so if you don't have a pet get one. If you're never home or bad with maintenance - try a simple aquarium with an autofeeder and a canister filter.

20. Be Creative: This one was hard to place on this list. For some people, being creative comes easily. Others find it difficult. However, in reality we're all highly creative - it's just a matter of seeing it within ourselves. Sure, activities like painting, creating music, writing, or building are obvious. But what about picking out your clothes in the morning? That is a highly creative activity which you perform daily. Or planning your meals. Another daily creative activity. Almost everything you do has a 'creative' aspect - you create something where there previously was nothing. Your goal is to find what you like best and do it when you feel down. It could be organizing your home or garage, making a picture collage on the wall, planning a garden, playing a 'building' video game, even something so simple as making patterns on the water by skipping stones.

21. Exercise: This is one we've all heard before and usually don't want to. But the benefits can not be overstated. So make it simple! Try just doing 30 jumping jacks. Or go for a 5 minute walk, or quick bike ride. Or just stand up and down on your toes for a few minutes. You'll have a huge burst in mood and energy. Or else, make it fun! Play a game of Wii Sports. Walk (or run) your dog. Play basketball, tennis, ping pong, or similar with a friend. It's not at all hard once you get into the habit (which you can also do in under 5 minutes).

22. Accomplish Something: This is basic psychology - intrinsic motivation. Clean your area. Finish a small task. Take the garbage out. Wash dishes. Cut your lawn. Paint or decorate your room. Do something, anything, which you can look at when you're done and think: "That looks so much better". And take time to enjoy it when you're finished. You'll feel a lot better about yourself and the problem. Repeat as desired until you've done everything, then see tip number 13 or 18!

23. Socialize: This is probably something else you hear every day.. but it really does help. If you're feeling gloomy, call or go out with a favorite friend. Talk to a nice co-worker. Nobody you know that you want to talk to? Go to a public place and make small talk with strangers! You may find it difficult but it will be invigorating and exciting at the same time - you'll forget all about your problems, at least for a while. Then you may have new friends to talk to in the future.

24. Flirt: This is like socializing. It's fun, it's exciting, and as long as you keep it innocent it's perfectly harmless (you don't have to exchange numbers, or even a real name). The trick is to go 'outside of yourself'. It's highly effective - you'll feel better in no time.

25. Help someone: Perhaps even better than the feeling of a 'rush' is the feeling of deep inner satisfaction - knowing that you made someone's life a little (or a lot) better. Do anything you can for someone. Help an elderly person across a busy street. Let someone cut in line at the store. Join a volunteer organization. Give away items of value to someone of lesser means. Teach someone something. Reach out and help a person during a time of deep need - there are plenty of opportunities. You'll take away positive memories for a lifetime.

26. Think Fast!: Unfortunately when our mood worsens, our mind tends to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n. This brings the classic 'brain fog' in which negative thoughts get stuck for hours, even days. But now is no time to ponder. This is one case where 'racing thoughts' are a good thing. Anything which gets you thinking faster will make you feel better.

Try doing these activities within 1 minute:

  • Brainstorm your top 10 dream vacation destinations
  • List the 15 favorite people in your life
  • Write 20 three-letter words
  • Say 30 words that begin with "M"
Also try speed reading, playing a fast paced (video) game, or having a fast paced conversation with a friend.

27. Listen to Binaural Beats: Binaural Beats are specific 'sound patterns' which influence your state of mind. More technically, they alter your brain waves by producing two different sound frequencies - one for each ear - and mixing them together. The result sounds something like that of a humming bird in slow motion, a repetitive beat emerging from between your ears.

These sounds are available freely on the Internet as audio files and for purchase as CD's or tapes. You can also find software programs (such as SBaGen or Gnaural) which generate them. There are many claimed states of mind possible with binaural beats - from a deep state of relaxation to a focused state of calm, and excitement.

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