Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Grow a Vegetable Garden Anywhere Under 5 Minutes Daily

More than just a hobby, vegetable gardening is a great way to grow your own fresh food. For many of us, however, the time and space requirements are just too much. Even small vegetable gardens require significant yard space in addition to weeding, staking, and other maintenance.

However, a technique known to expert gardeners gives us the ability to grow our vegetables almost anywhere in just minutes a day - through the use of self watering containers. See the video below for a demonstration:

These 'earthboxes' are nothing more than simple store bought rubbermaid containers with a small plastic strainer and some PVC tubing. Once constructed, you can grow tomatoes, peppers, spinach, lettuce, carrots, onions, etc. Even larger vegetables such as zucchini or squash can be grown with stakes or ladders.

Perhaps the best part is the low maintenance. Because your plants are off the ground pests are virtually non-existent. And these containers hold gallons of water - enough to go more than a day even during hot, dry weather without refilling.

Just choose a convenient spot - a patio, table, driveway, etc, and you can grow an entire veggie garden in less than 5 minutes a day! Find more instructions online...

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