Monday, May 14, 2012

10 Quick and Effective Tips for Self Defense

1. Emotional and Instinctive Control: In the event of a confrontation, practicing emotional control is helpful for maintaining the upper hand. Use techniques like freeze framing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and a natural low sugar diet. Also try practices such as Aiki and similar energy exercises.

2. Exercise: Good physical fitness allows you to escape danger faster and defend against attack. Try aerobic exercises like jogging, jumping jacks, step ups, etc. Click here for more details.

3. Self Confidence: Increasing your level of self esteem reduces the odds that you will be chosen for an attack. Good diet and exercise helps improve confidence, as does a variety of enjoyable activities on a daily basis. Enjoying new positive experiences over time is probably the best way to improve esteem. The more significant your experience, the greater your benefit will be.

4. Keep Company: If you're planning activities in risky areas or at unusual times of the day, go with friends. Having more than one person with you significantly reduces the chances of your being attacked.

5. Pay Attention to Your Environment There are several habits you can learn to prevent the possibility of an attack. Reduce personal distractions (such as cell phones), learn to look around (vs the tendency to look ahead while walking), and pay special attention to concealed areas where an attacker may hide.

6. Use Self Defense Tools: Pepper spray in strengths up to 18% Oleoresin Capsicum, even mixed with tear gas, will temporarily blind enemies. Stun guns operating at many thousands of volts can immobilize enemies for minutes at a time. And personal alarms up to 120 decibels will distract and deter long enough to get away.

7. Practice Balance: In the event that you are caught off guard by an attacker, good balance will make it easier for you to escape. Exercise core body muscles and practice coordination through sports and similar physical activities.

8. Stay in Well Lit Areas at Night: This is an obvious tip. If you have to be outside at night, stay in bright areas (street lights, building signs), or bring a high powered LED flashlight.

9. Trust Your Instincts: Learn to recognize and trust your personal feelings about a situation. For instance, if you're walking alone at night and suddenly feel insecurely about the surrounding area, there is a good chance your feelings are accurate. That should be your warning sign to leave immediately.

10. Warrior Mindset: Finally there is always a possibility that you will have to confront an attacker. Your chances of survival will increase if you react instantly instead of freezing under fear.

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